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Esodata.org V2.01 system update message!
Esodata.org platform update for secure user access and extended customizable database is now complete.
Due to the security system upgrade it is now required for all new and current members of esodata.org to enter the user details and institution / hospital affiliation related information via the registration page.
We strongly recommend to use institutional email IDs at the time of registration to minimize the user authentication process delay.
All new and current members are required to register with the new Esodata.org web portal using the registration code provided by the IESG membership subcommittee for full access to the database platform. (If you have not received the registration code please contact us)
New registration system using security code and agreement to updated terms of website use, privacy policy, membership and data sharing agreement is required to maintain the compliance with the recently changed regulations by various data privacy governing bodies. This also allows us to implement real-time data reporting not only for the institute level analysis but also the global data in a dynamic dashboards. When you login for the first time you will be required to complete secure Two factor authentication code setup and optional hardware based secure key authentication process.
The new extended database (Esodata V2.01) interface will include additional data fields as recommended by the database and research subcommittee. Extended data fields include demographics, diagnostic workups, pre-op evaluation/interventions, pre-op oncological treatments, surgery details, complications quality measures, extended pathology and follow-up/recurrence/survival data. In addition optional Tumor biology / genetics related fields are also available for the institutes to participate in an international data collaboration.
Although the some of the newer data fields will be optional, the existing core dataset (Esodata v1.01) will remain mandatory. This allows to maintain the completeness of the data accrued so far and to expand the already a robust, consensus based, standardized, contemporary international data collaboration project.
Custom data fields for specific research projects can be included for participating institutes. (This will require IESG research committee review and approval for appropriate resource allocation)
Please ensure your institution’s IRB/Ethics board approval is renewed or updated as deemed appropriate to include the extended data fields before adding data for these fields. Esodata.org membership agreement and privacy policy documents have changed and it is required users to read the document before agree to the policy by clicking the check boxes in the registration page.
Once your account is authenticated by the membership team you can continue to use the core data fields by choosing Esodata v1.01 as before. When you are ready for extended version of the database interface you will be able to update the data fields for existing data as well. Previously entered data can be updated within the system and fully accessible to the contributing institute members.
New dashboard features and data analysis tool implementation will be carried out during the next scheduled minor update.
New research proposals and regional level collaborative projects can be facilitated on this updated platform. Details on these interactive features and dynamic data analysis will be made available on the website soon.
We will greatly appreciate your feedback about the new interface and the data field related queries via the esodata.org contact/messaging system. We have a dedicated team to answer / support the technical, database, membership and registration aspects of the updated esodata.org platform and other questions will be forwarded appropriate resources for timely response.
Esodata.org web administrator.
On behalf of IESG (International Esodata Study Group)